Perseverance: Embracing the Cards You're Dealt

Donna Peters interviews attorney, Guillermo Wasserman, of Wasserman West International Law.  He shares wise stories humorously about:

  • How experiences growing up in Argentina, facing the Argentina Great Depression and living in the US shaped his core values of:

    1. Perseverance

    2. Never too late to do the right thing

    3. Longest distance between two points is a shortcut 

  • Advice for those of us in a challenging job search:

    1. preparing the resume

    2. empathy for the interviewer/employer

    3. tips on differentiating yourself

    4. embrace the cards you're dealt

  • Lessons from his international law practice that benefit all of us:

    1. being a little paranoid is a good thing

    2. vagueness is the enemy

    3. control what you can

    4. ask questions, and then ask more questions

    5. if you plan for an exit strategy upfront, you likely won't need an exit strategy

  • His hopes for his two daughters

    1. never lose you're ability to be surprised

    2. enjoy the uncertain journey

    3. make your own path


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