100 Reasons Why 2021 Will Be Better

The Me-Suite host, Donna Peters, brings back a fan-favorite, Mike Malinchock. Mike challenged us in Season 1 Ep 51 to "do hard things."  He then went and did a hard thing: cycling literally from East Coast to West Coast with his sons, stopping only to sleep and eat. They were raising funds for the Be Loud Sophie Foundation to cure childhood cancers. In this episode, Mike reflects on the surprising things he learned from the trip and the next hard things on his list to conquer.

Mike also shares perhaps the best ever Me-Suite guest tip for what we can start doing differently on Monday: create your 'Hundred's List.' Every year, Mike and his family create together a list of 100 things they'd like to accomplish in the year. They revisit the list monthly, check off the items completed, and plan for the next items to pursue. Cycling cross-country was on the family's 2020 list...and they checked it off!  They've never actually completed all 100 items, but that's not the point:).

Complete a "Hundred's List" with your teams or family, and let us hear about your experience.


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